„Warming up“ Salvatorplatz – memorial to the Mann family

The Sal­vat­or­platz in Munich, where the memori­al to the Mann fam­ily is to be erec­ted, is „pre-warmed“ and activ­ated: stu­dents from the Thomas-Mann-Gym­nas­i­um and the middle school on Peslmüller­strasse, Pas­ing phys­ic­ally explored the square on March 6, 2024, where they formed, among oth­er things. a liv­ing chain around the area where street signs and lights will stand in memory of the mem­bers of the Mann fam­ily. And that in the rain! The action is part of a pro­gram to teach art in pub­lic spaces in schools, led by Bar­bara Dabanoglu.

Photo: Jad­ranka Kosorcic