„Back to the Future“ – luminare L.A. cast

Gießerei Anton Gugg Leuchte Pacific Palisades Los Angeles

These days the lumin­aire was com­pleted, which with­in the memori­al refers to the one in Pacific Palisades/Los Angeles that stands there in front of the house that Thomas Mann lived in with his fam­ily dur­ing his exile in Cali­for­nia, today’s Thomas Mann House. The art foundry Ant­on Gugg made an alu­mini­um cast­ing for it.
Once again, this marked the end of a lengthy pro­cess: based on pho­tos I had taken in 2019 and plans by Pub­lic Works Los Angeles, a digit­al mod­el of the light was drawn, by artist Flori­an Froese-Peek, trans­ferred with a 3D print­er into a three-dimen­sion­al 1:1 mod­el made of plastic, then cast using the melt-out pro­cess.
I had vis­ited Pacific Pal­is­ades in autumn 2019 – see the blog post.
For a long time I had researched and tried to get a light from there – which turned out to be dif­fi­cult. Trans­port­ing it to Ger­many would also have been a lengthy under­tak­ing, as I found out with the example of the lumin­aire pro­duced in the USA based on the mod­el in New York.
In the end, I fol­lowed the advice of Bob Gale, screen­writer and film pro­du­cer (includ­ing „Back to the Future“), who lives in the neigh­bour­hood. He wrote at the time: „My sug­ges­tion is that you have the fix­ture extens­ively pho­to­graphed and meas­ured, and then duplic­ate it in Ger­many. This would be the most cost effect and simple solu­tion.“ This sug­ges­tion cer­tainly does not come by chance from someone who is at home in the film industry, which often works with props and rep­licas.
And per­haps the concept of rep­lic­at­ing a lumin­aire from the 1920s/30s using mod­ern digit­al, but also tra­di­tion­al meth­ods, for a monu­ment that is to be erec­ted in the future – pre­sum­ably in spring 2024 – also fits the motto „Back to the Future“.