Albert Coers

*1975 in Lauin­gen. Lives and works in Ber­lin and Munich.
Stud­ied Ger­man lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure, Art his­tory, in Pisa and Munich. Stud­ied Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with H. Sturm and Albert Hien. Study and work stays in Car­rara, Gen­oa, Alex­an­dria.

Main focus of the artist­ic work: install­a­tions with found objects and lan­guage-related mater­i­al, artist pub­lic­a­tions, works in pub­lic space, e.g. Straßen Namen Zeichen, 2018, Monu­ment to the Mann fam­ily, Munich (2019-).